Please read the frequently asked questions below and then click the REGISTER NOW or CAMPER PORTAL Buttons to register!
Click the button below to be taken to the camper portal to register, pay balance, request a cabin-mate, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does summer Camp Registration open?
Summer Camp registration is OPEN!!!! Don’t wait, sign up TODAY! We are also having a Summer Camp Open House on October 13th from 3:00-5:00pm and will be giving away scholarship funds!
What are the age ranges for camp?
Kids Weeks: Ages: 7-12.
Youth Week: Ages: 12-15.
Alpha Weeks: Ages: 13-17 (See Alpha & Omega Tab for more info)
Day Camp: Ages 6-9. (Please see Day Camp Tab for more info)
How much does camp cost?
Each week of camp is $450 for Kids Weeks and Youth Week. This cost is all inclusive (meals, snack shop, etc.). Please see our Alpha & Omega Tab or the Day Camp Tab for rates on those weeks!
Do I have to pay all at once?
You must pay the $100.00 up front to secure your camper’s spot. Please note that all online payments have a $3.00 processing fee. We accept Visa, Discover, and MasterCard. You can mail a check to: 377 Camp Cale Road, Hertford, NC 27944 in order to skip the processing fee.
Camp Cale does not provide refunds. ALL payments made are final. Parents/guardians have the choice to purchase Activity Insurance through our TravMark partner. Please note the option of adding additional Cancel For Any Reason insurance. THE LINK TO PURCHASE ACTIVITY INSURANCE IS LOCATED ON OUR WEBSITE UNDER THE ACTIVITY INSURANCE TAB.
What if a church or organization is paying for my camper?
Please have the church or organization contact us directly to let us know that they are paying for your camper and how much of the cost they are covering.
What time is Check-in and check-out?
Check-in is from 4:00-5:00pm on Sunday and will be drive through drop off only. DO NOT arrive too early as the gate will be closed. Check-out will be an open campus from 9:00-10:00am on Friday. You will park and sign-out your camper. Our snack shop will be open for merchandise and snack purchases!
How will check-in work and do I get to say goodbye?
Check-in is a streamlined process where the parents/guardians do not enter the cabin. You may exit the vehicle to tell your camper goodbye. Please note that when you say goodbye, you set the tone for how your camper will start their week. Please do not drop them off with worries, tears, and a promise that they can call home. Instead tell them how much fun they will have while they are here! If there is a need to contact the parent, Cale office staff will do this, not the camper. All communication from campers during the week with parents will be through mail. Please send your camper with letters, envelopes, and stamps if they would like to keep in touch.
cLosed Campus Policies
Camp Cale is a residential closed campus. Our program is week-long, and as such all campers will be staying overnight for the entirety of the program. During the week, the campus will be closed. Please make other arrangements for appointments, games, etc. as once a camper leaves, they will not be allowed back on campus.
Is this a Christian camp?
Yes! Cale is a faith-based Christian camp. Campers will be involved in times of worship, devotions, and encouraged to develop in their faith.
What are Track Times and what will my camper do?
Track times are the daily activities that your camper will do with their cabin! These could include: archery, low ropes, rockwall, axe throwing, archery tag, sports, fishing, worship, etc. Your camper will have two tracks per day!
What is Battle For the Paddle?
Battle for the Paddle is a daily activity that your camper will be put on a team for. These teams then compete in the daily activity for points. At the end of the week, the team with the most points gets to sign the paddle and have it put up in the snack shop for everyone to see!
What is Old Joe’s Snack Shack/ How do snack times work?
Old Joe’s is our snack shack! During the day, campers will have two different times to go get snacks. These snacks are included in the price of camp (Please don’t send money with your camper)!
What is Afternoon Activity Time and what will my camper do?
This is the time where your camper can choose what activities they would like to participate in. The river will be open daily for swimming and kayaking, the snack shop will be open, the commons will be open (see commons button below), and usually 1-2 other additional activities as well (see the track list above for potential options).
What is the Theme?
Our summer camp theme for 2025 is Allstars! This is just the theme, and while we will have sports games during the week, your camper does not have to be an athlete to sign up! We will have lots of other activities as well!
What if my camper has food allergies or other dietary needs?
Camp Cale is not an allergen friendly campus. All food allergies must be entirely self-managed and non-life-threatening. We are also not able to accommodate food allergies/intolerances that will alter preparation. This means your camper must be able to pick what does not include their allergen from the meal line. If your camper has a food allergy please contact Camp Cale staff at 252-264-2513 or at info@campcale.com to see if we are a good fit for your camper!
What if my camper has non-food related allergies?
Please keep in mind that at Cale we are outside for a large portion of the day. We do encounter bees, wasps, fire ants, our camp dog, etc. Please give us a call to let us know your camper’s non-food related allergy and their needs. We will discuss what we can/cannot accommodate.
What if my camper has a medical condition?
All campers must be self sufficient to attend camp. If your camper has any conditions in which they can not fully take care of themselves (including but not limited to showering, changing, using the bathroom, eating, mobility, etc.), then we are unfortunately not the facility for them. If you have any questions or if your camper has any medical conditions, please contact Camp Cale at 252-264-2513 or at info@campcale.com to see if accommodations can be made.
What if my camper has a specific need?
The Camp Cale team strives to create an environment in which every camper can experience a fun and memorable time on our campus. We will promote and maintain a safe, positive environment that encourages self-confidence and personal development while taking part in our camp program.
We are not a special needs camp, nor are we able to staff specifically for special needs. Although we try to accommodate as many campers as possible, we also have to look at each unique situation and make a decision that is in the best interest of the individual, other campers, and our staff’s abilities. If your child has exceptional dietary, emotional, medical, behavioral, psychological, or physical needs, or if they are not in a mainstream classroom, please call the office to discuss if Camp Cale is able to accommodate the camper before registering them for a camp week.
What about camper medications?
ALL medications must be turned in at check-in, with the only exception of a rescue inhaler. ALL medications must be in their original packaging. We have medication times to administer medication (within a 20-minute window): 8:45am, 12:45pm, 6:15pm, and 8:45pm. The medication times are just for daily medication, any as needed medications will be administered as soon as needed. We keep a stock of as needed medications (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, tums, Benadryl, etc.) here at Cale. A Parent/guardian will fill out a form upon arrival indicating which medications the camper may receive if they need it. If your camper often needs these medications, please pack them, if only occasional, no need to bring them as we will have them!
How are cabin groups made?
We have LOTS of factors that go into cabin grouping. We try our very best to accommodate cabin mate requests first, but this is a difficult task. We put campers in by gender and then age. We also take into account church group and location. If you do not put in cabin mate requests in the application, we do not know that your camper wants to be placed with someone, even if they have been coming together for multiple years!
Having trouble with the registration link?
The registration process is difficult to complete on a phone. Please use a desktop or laptop computer and preferably a Google Chrome browser. If you still need assistance, please call the office at (252) 264-2513.
What is the difference between IncoMplete and registered?
Incomplete means the application has been started or completed, but the minimum deposit has not been paid. At this stage, your camper’s spot is not reserved. Registered means the application is complete and the $100 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit has been paid. Your camper’s spot is now reserved.
for More information
For more information about summer camp including packing lists, camper mail, check-in, and code of conduct, please click on the following documents: RESIDENTIAL CAMPER INFO, CAMPER MAIL, PACKING LIST, CHECK-IN, CODE OF CONDUCT
Campers of Military and First Responder families are eligible for an automatic $50 scholarship upon sending in a valid I.D. or documentation of a parent/guardian with this information. This must be sent in before your final payment, no refunds can be made. Need based scholarship applications can be found by clicking HERE!